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GIST Tech-I 2014! Apply TODAY!

The GIST Technology-Idea (Tech-I) competition is an annual competition for science and technology entrepreneurs from around the world. Aspiring innovators submit an application online and the global voting public and experts choose thirty finalists for an all-expense paid trip to the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Morocco. GIST Tech-I winners, selected by experts at the GES, will receive mini-grants and receive intensive one-on-one mentorship and training.

Important Dates and Eligibility

Competition Launch: 10 June 2014   Application Deadline: 21 July 2014

Application must be for an Idea or Startup science and technology product, research, or service with commercial potential in the areas of health, agriculture, energy, and information communications technology (ICT).

Basic Eligibility

• Scientists, entrepreneurs, researchers, or innovators must be citizens of a GIST eligible country. You must NOT be a permanent resident or a citizen of the United States.

• You must be between the ages of 18-40 years old on 21 July 2014.

• Your application must be written in English and your video must be in English or provide English subtitles.

Tech-I Process Overview

9 June – 21 July Applicants submit a complete application including a 90 second video and a 750 word

21 July – 1 September Expert review panels will evaluate and review all applications based on subject

1 September – 1 October Videos of all semi-finalists will be available online for global voting

8 October Thirty finalists will be selected based on merit and the results of the global public vote

All thirty finalists will be invited to attend the 2014 GES in Morocco and receive intensive two-day training and mentorship. Finalists will make their final ‘pitch’ at the GES, in either Idea Stage or Startup Stage, which will be judged and ranked by expert panels and the winners will be announced during an award ceremony.

Prizes, which will be distributed to winners as mini-grants, will total $70,000, including individual prizes of up to $15,000. Additionally, all finalists will receive a one-year AAAS membership and up to 3 months of mentoring.


Further Information, visit: www.aaas.org/tech-i or email tech-i@aaas.org


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