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Call for Papers ISBCM 2016

Forward Information from ISBCM.IPB:
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to join the first of  the International Symposium on Bioinformatics, Chemometrics and Metabolomics (ISBCM) 2016. The event will be held on October 18, 2016 at IPB International Convention Center in Bogor, Indonesia.
ISBCM 2016 will bring together researchers working on Bioinformatics, Chemometrics and Metabolomics (ISBCM), which are vibrant multidisciplined fields with positive trend in this decade. Metabolomics is an “advanced research” approach used to improve our understanding of metabolic systems and biochemistry compositions of plants and animals. Chemometrics is a science of how to extract information from chemical systems that can be applied to solve both descriptive and predictive problems in experimental life sciences. Bioinformatics refers to conceptualizing biology in terms of macro molecule (from points of views of chemistry and physics), and then applying computational approaches from applied mathematics, computer science and statistics in order to understand and manage molecular information in its macro scale.
The theme of this year is the Emerging Era of Bioinformatics, Chemometrics, and Metabolomics in Agriculture, Food and Health: Current Success, Future Potentials and Challenges. This conference embraces all aspects of BCM applications for solving real problems in food, health and agriculture. High quality, original papers are solicited in all areas of Bioinformatics, Chemometrics and Metabolomics
The conference will be featured by keynote addresses, number of invited talks and contributed lectures. In addition, there will be oral presentation and poster sessions.  We would like to announce the important dates:
August 20, 2016: Abstract Submission Deadline
August 23, 2016: Acceptance Notification
September 15, 2016: Full-Paper Submission Deadline
October 18, 2016: ISBCM 2016 Symposium
Registration Form: click here.
Registration Fee as Participant Only: click here.
In view of your important contributions, we would like to invite you to participate to the conference. Here we send you ISBCM 2016 poster. For more detail information, please visit our website http://metabolomics.ipb.ac.id/
Thank you for your very kind attention. We'd appreciated if you could help us to spread this information to your colleagues whom are interested in bioinformatics, chemometrics and metabolomics. We are looking forward to seeing you for the conference at Bogor and we believe that your contribution will make the symposium fruitful and benefit for all of us. The success of ISBCM 2016 will be ensured with your kind contribution.


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