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Call for Papers "Innovation for Developing Countries" TH 2012 (English)

Welcome to the TH 2012

The Triple Helix 10th International Conference 2012 (TH 2012) is a prominent international convention that will talk innovation in developing countries. The event will be held on August 08 - 10 2012.
TH 2012 is the tenth in a series of international conferences that was started sixteen years ago by the Triple Helix Association.
With host of the prestigious School of Business and Management, Instut Teknologi Bandung (SBM - ITB), the TH 2012 calls to advancing previous success of THA conferences that previously held in Silicon Valley (San Francisco), Madrid, Glasglow, Singapore, Turin, Copenhagen/Lund, Rio de Janeiro, New York, and Amsterdam.
The venue of TH 2012 is the historic and newly refurbished "Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel", Bandung, West Java.

Call for Papers

The Triple Helix 10th International Conference 2012 (TH 2012) is the tenth in a series of international conferences that was started sixteen years ago by the Triple Helix Association.


Theme : "Emerging Triple Helix Models for Developing Countries: From Conceptualisation to Implementation"

Sub-themes :

  • Strengthening National Innovation Policies in Developing Countries;
  • Building Infrastructure;
  • Success Stories in Enhancing the Relevance of the Triple Helix Model.

Detailed information about Conference subjects and submission procedures are available in the page of "Call for Papers", in the official site of TH 2012.

Four Good Reasons To Join TH2012

  1. To learn about the innovation issues of the expanding market of developing countries.
  2. To attend prestigious programmes, including the Ministerial Panel, where top government officials/academics/business/community leaders from ASEAN and other countries will share their ideas and experiences about innovation in the developing countries.
  3. To conduct experience exchange, meet with potential new peers/partners of innovation practitioners from academia, private/industrial organizations, and government, as well as the creative communities of developing countries.
  4. To create tracks in the wide networks of the Indonesian innovation industry. The newly engendered innovation spirit in Indonesia offers exciting opportunities to individuals, consulting businesses, the financial/VC industry, and indeed more room for your business.

Closing date for Abstract Submission : 10 January 2012
See More : www.th2012.org


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